Black Lives Matter.
Leadership Matters.
At such a powerful time in the history of our global community, we felt moved to show our support no matter how small that may be. As the push for long overdue racial justice, equality & inclusion is igniting powerful community protests & uprising across the world, including here in Australia, we wanted to say: We see you. We hear you. We stand & kneel with you.
We believe diversity strengthens us as individuals, & more importantly as communities. Just as we know we can’t & don’t speak for black communities, we do know we can stand alongside & with you. We do this with all CALD communities in our passion & drive for more leadership opportunities.
We know that nothing is better than a lived experience, but we also understand the value of learned experiences. Particularly when it can help right the wrongs & tackle our lack of diversity in the formal leadership positions & on boards all around us. A survey of not for profit boards by the Institute of Community Directors Australia* found that that only 43% of Boards have 1 member from a CALD community. This has to change.
We continue to support black lives with scholarship opportunities to access quality leadership training & help fast-track their ability to influence lasting change in the community, role & cause of their choice. Now more than ever, if you’re interested in applying for a CALD2LEAD scholarship we want to hear from you.
So not only do we see, hear, stand & kneel with you. We join your fight to end discrimination, bigotry & racism. We join your powerful movement to help spread the truth - black lives matter.
*from Rethink what you know about not-for profit governance, ICDA Not-For-Profit Governance Roadmap 2020.